Posted on 2017–08–23 at 11:31
BOTAR have come out of hibernation to announce they will be performing their first ever shows this coming January. The slightly longer named and slightly differently logoed (violin instead of guitar) Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution Orchestra will be a 40-piece orchestra performing Streetlight Manifesto songs alongside the band itself, on 13th January 2018 at the Beacon Theater in New York City, and on 25th and 26th January at the Ace Theater, Los Angeles. Tickets go on sale this Friday (25th August). According to the Streetlight Manifesto facebook post about the news more info on future BOTAR activity can be expected shortly.
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Category: BOTAR
Posted on 2010–03–16 at 17:20
As I’m sure most of you remembered, 99 Songs of Revolution: Volume I was finally released today. As mentioned previously the best place to pick up a physical copy would either be at a Streetlight Manifesto show or from The RISC Store
Streetlight Manifesto had this to say about it:
03.16.2010 | Voila!
It is with great pride that we announce the birth of our newest little bundle of joy. 99 Songs of Revolution: Volume 1 was born at precisely midnight, during the first moments of March 16th, 2010. Timing in at 32.9 minutes, end to end, with 11 tracks for your listening pleasure. Thanks for all your help and we hope for many more. Cheers!
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Category: Streetlight, Pentimento
Posted on 2010–03–16 at 00:32
Info for how to get tickets for the upcoming show at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken have been posted on the Streetlight Manifesto site, along with the claim that more tour dates are coming soon, including international ones.
The tickets for the Hoboken show can be purchased online from 29th March for students and 5th April for everyone else.
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2010–03–14 at 16:30
It was brought to my attention today that some of the downloads were not working. This has now been fixed, as have the torrent tracker and contact page which were also broken.
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Category: Site
Posted on 2010–03–13 at 10:54
Streetlight Manifesto now have an official Facebook page, run by the same guy who does their MySpace.
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2010–03–12 at 23:03
Streetlight Manifesto have updated their last news post with further criticism of Victory and a free download of their cover of “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard” by Paul Simon
As a bonus, let’s play “GUESS THAT QUOTE”!!!1! Here it is:
“I absolutely believe that allowing people to cherry-pick the tracks they want from each album cannibalizes full-length album sales and is ultimately detrimental to the artists who created the music… It is important for people to experience the entire album. Not just a track(s).”
You probably guessed it, so we’ll just go ahead and give you your prize:
Another full, high quality mp3 from our new record! Apparently, Victory chose this as our first single for us, which we found out by seeing it iTunes. Awesome! Thanks guys!~
Here it is.
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2010–03–12 at 01:33
Streetlight Manifesto posted a rather interesting update to their site today:
Hello there. Just a quick note from us:
If you want to support Streetlight Manifesto by buying a CD, shirt, hoodie, poster, etc etc, PLEASE do not buy anything from Victory Records or their website. Use our online store or come out to a show and support the band by buying merch there. We cannot condone or agree with the actions or ethics of our record label, nor do we want to support them financially through revenue made under the guise of helping Streetlight. Hey douchebag lawyers: This is not libel or slander. We’re just letting our fans know how best to support the band if they should choose to do so by buying stuff. That is all.
While they have not hidden their dislike of Victory before, this is rather more upfront than usual.
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2010–03–09 at 21:45
Streetlight Manifesto have posted the details for a third show in April. It previously appeared on their site without details, but was pulled for unknown reasons. The show is on the 24th April at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ and is with Patent Pending.
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2010–03–09 at 21:40
The Pentimento Music Company have released for free download an MP3 of the song “Hell” from Streetlight Manifesto’s upcoming 99 Songs of Revolution: Volume I.
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Category: Streetlight, Pentimento
Posted on 2010–03–05 at 00:29
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2010–02–23 at 18:36
The Vans Warped Tour announced several days ago that Streetlight Manifesto will again be part of their line-up this year, playing all three Florida dates and the Atlanta one (23rd July–26th July).
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2010–02–15 at 16:48

Streetlight Manifesto have finally revealed the track list and album art for their upcoming release 99 Songs of Revolution: Volume I and put it up for pre-order on both vinyl and CD at The RISC Store. They also confirmed 16th March as the release date.
Track list:
- “Birds Flying Away” - Mason Jennings
- “Hell” - Squirrel Nut Zippers
- “Just” - Radiohead
- “Skyscraper” - Bad Religion
- “Punk Rock Girl” - The Dead Milkmen
- “Linoleum” - NOFX
- “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard” - Paul Simon
- “They Provide the Paint for the Picture Perfect Masterpiece That You Will Paint on the Insides of Your Eyelids” - Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution
- “Red Rubber Ball” - The Cyrkle
- “The Troubador” - Louis Jordan
- “Such Great Heights” - The Postal Service
They also claim to have tons more news regarding upcoming tours, more song samples, etc etc
to be posted in in the next few days.
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Category: BOTAR, Streetlight, Pentimento
Posted on 2010–02–11 at 10:36
While it’s far from 100% confirmed it seems like the track list for the first volume of 99 Songs of Revolution might now be known based on a partial leak.
- Mason Jennings - “Birds Fly Away”
- Blur - “Country House”
- The Postal Service - “Such Great Heights”
- The Squirrel Nut Zippers - “Hell”
- Paul Simon - “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard”
- Radiohead - “Just”
- NOFX - “Linoleum”
- Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution - “They Provide The Paint for the Picture Perfect Masterpiece That You Will Paint on the Insides of Your Eyelids”
- The Dead Milkmen - “Punk Rock Girl”
- The Cyrkle - “Red Rubber Ball”
- Bad Religion - “Skyscraper”
- Louis Jordan - “Troubadour”
This matches up with the list of included artists (Paul Simon, The Postal Service, NOFX, The Dead Milkmen, Bad Religion, Radiohead) from Victory Records’ latest newsletter
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Category: BOTAR, Streetlight
Posted on 2010–02–08 at 23:53
Victory Records have revealed a release date of 16th March for Streetlight Manifesto’s upcoming cover album 99 Songs of Revolution. While any news that comes from Victory rather than the band should always be taken with a pinch of salt, it seems likely that this is legitimate given the albums completed state. No word yet on album art, track listing, or the vinyl release Pentimento Music is supposed to be doing.
Category: Streetlight, Pentimento
Posted on 2010–02–08 at 23:48
Streetlight Manifesto are booked to play a couple of shows in April, one on the 23rd at The Crazy Donkey in Farmingdale, NY and the other on the 25th at Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel in Providence RI. The support acts are Lionize and Aficianado. No word on whether or not there will be further shows.
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2009–12–04 at 10:54
As promised Streetlight Manifesto have uploaded clips of some songs from their upcoming 99 Songs of Revolution. There are six clips in total, and If you can guess what songs samples 5 and 6 are, you can have Chris Thatcher. As in, you know, you will legally own him. Seriously.
Clips: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2009–11–18 at 09:11
11.17.2009 | Still Alive, Still Kicking
Hello there everyone. Let’s jump straight into it, shall we?
1) 99 SOR. We’re being buried with emails regarding the release date but we can’t announce one because we don’t know when it is. What we can say is this: some record labels (not naming names here, so it can’t be “libel”) are just plain horrendous. That’s pretty much all we can say for now. Seriously though, it’s a sad fact that the bullshit bands have to put up with from some labels isn’t worth the benefits (ha!) of being on said labels.
That being said, it looks like 99SOR: Volume One will be released on vinyl via the Pentimento Music Company long before it comes out on CD or digitally. Stay tuned for a release date for the vinyl. We’ll also be posting clips from the record in the next few days, along with artwork, since it is in fact finished and just sitting around (you have no idea how frustrating it is).
2) People are also asking when we’ll be hitting the road again. We have no tours planned as of this very minute but we are planning our 2010 now. More importantly, though, we will be heading into the studio soon (as is a particular electricity deficient collective..) and we don’t plan on touring until we have a few records to release.
3) The Risc Store just got a bunch of new items, Streetlight and otherwise. ‘Tis the season yada yada blah blah blah..
4) During our downtime, our resident tenor sax genius will be giving lessons. Straight from the Conti’s mouth:
Jim Conti will be offering saxophone lessons along with music theory tutoring/instruction in the Montgomery County, Maryland/NW D.C. area. Individual instruction for all levels on alto, tenor, or baritone. Lessons can include classical and/or jazz and improvisational instruction. Anyone interested can contact him (serious inquiries please) at for more information.
Obviously we are very fond of our Jimmy, so no stalkers or creeps please.
That is all, see you at the next update, with soundclips!
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Category: RISC Store, BOTAR, Streetlight, Pentimento
Posted on 2009–08–11 at 19:34
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Category: RISC Store, Pentimento, The Stitch Up
Posted on 2009–08–11 at 09:59
Streetlight Manifesto have uploaded their second official music video to their YouTube account, and this time it’s for “Would You Be Impressed?”. The description with the video is definitely worth a read, and in case it “disappears” here it is in full:
This is Streetlight Manifesto’s second music video, this time for “Would You Be Impressed?” from the record “Somewhere In The Between”. It was animated by Jurjen Bosklopper
The creation of this video was funded entirely by the band, after our label refused to help us make a second video for our record. Our record label forced YouTube to remove our last music video from our account by claiming that using our own recorded music was a “copyright violation”. If this video disappears from our account, we just want everyone to understand why. If you dig our band, or any band for that matter, make sure your support goes straight to the band and not to the companies that often times reap the benefits of the band’s success without actually ever helping the band. Thanks.
It it does disappear do not worry as the video will be preserved, both here and elsewhere.
Also interesting to note is that the video starts off with four logos flashing up: The RISC Group logo, the Pentimento Music logo, an unknown logo and the classic Streetlight Manifesto streetlamp. Hopefully this purpose of this logo will not remain a mystery for too long, but knowing who we are dealing with it’s more likely to be the opposite.
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Category: Streetlight
Posted on 2009–08–04 at 02:32
Streetlight Manifesto have updated their site with news that their planned South American tour in September has unfortunately had to be cancelled due to problems cause by swine flu, with plans to reschedule for 2010.
They also updated their upcoming shows for the “Last Tour of the Decade” (new dates on the shows page as usual) and revealed that as they are playing two back-to-back shows in NYC they will be playing both their albums from start to finish: Everything Goes Numb on Sunday 20th September at the Highline Ballroom and Somewhere in the Between on the Monday at B.B. King Blues Club and Grill. After this tour they will be taking a break, implied to be for recording.
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Category: Streetlight